Praxis anrufen!

MKG-Chirurgie LindenArcaden MVZ GmbH
Dr. Dr. Stephan Otten
Dr. Dr. Wilried Kamp
Felix Schmieder
Fackenburger Allee 1 · 23554 Lübeck
Phone 0451 50491 0 · Fax 0451 50491 23

Anti Wrinkles Injection

Higher age takes its toll in more or less recognisable lines in one's face. The skin loses elasticity and the lower dermis slackens. SLight lines in the areas of the mouth and the eyes do not need to be removed operatively. In case of more visible lines or scarred tissue, wrinkle treatments can help out.
The material which is injected under the skin varies according to what effect the patient is aiming at and what is recommended by the doctor. Collagene, hyaluronic acid or proper fat can be injected along the scars to make it more voluminous and tight.
These wrinkle treatments are intended to have a moisturising effect on the skin and to give it back its original elasticity and suppleness.

Hours of operation

Zahnimplantate, Implantologie, Implantate
Monday 8:30 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 8:30 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 8:30 - 13:00
Thursday 8:30 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
Friday 8:30 - 13:00


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